WordPress 3.0 is now available for download

Yesterday, WordPress 3.0 was released. In my opinion, this version has set it up well to give Joomla a run for its money. The feature that has sealed the deal for me is the ability to now create menus and publish them in various menu positions just like you would do with widgets.

Also the post types feature is a big plus as now you can have pages, posts and other types of posts. A good example of how this would be used is in the I could create a new type of posts say portfolio which will have a collection of all portfolio items in the website.

WordPress and WordPress MU have been merged into one. You can watch the video below to get what else is new in WP 3.0.

Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows

A great tip from CSS Tricks on how to include different CSS files depending on the size of  the browser window. It can be done in two ways: with normal XHTML markup or with the help of some jQuery.

Otherwise known as “resolution dependent layouts”. Single website, different CSS files for rearranging a website to take advantage of the size available.

There is a W3C standard way of declaring them. One way is to test the “device-width”, like this:

<link rel=”stylesheet” media=”screen and (min-device-width: 800px)” href=”800.css” />

The above code will apply the 800.css styling to the document only if the device viewing it has a width of 800px or wider. And… supports “media queries” in this way.

Read the full post here

5 Simple, But Useful CSS Properties

I came across this article on some simple CSS properties you can that can come handy in design of website layouts. You may already know about them but this article breaks them down really well outlining how you can use them to do masking (clip) and handle wrapping of elements (white-space and display)

This post is about 5 useful CSS properties that you should be very familiar with, but will most likely rarely use. I’m not talking about the new fancy CSS3 properties. I’m referring to the old CSS2 properties such as: clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, and display that are widely supported by all browsers. So, don’t miss this post because you might be surprised how useful they are.

Read the full article here.

Efficient Related Posts Plugin

Related posts in your blog is a good way of increasing page views and the time users spend on your blog. The problem with many related posts plugins is that they slow down the blog considerably (though popular posts plugins are worse). This is because many of them create the related posts list for the posts every time a post is loaded. Some supposedly support cache but it doesn’t seem to help.

I came across a neat related posts plugin, the Efficient Related Posts. It uses a more intelligent approach as it generates the related posts whenever a post is saved. This is a much better approach as posts are viewed more times than they are saved. It knocked off 0.40 seconds in the loading times of the one of the sites we maintain.

It also supports the normal options like categories to ignore, number of related posts to display and where to insert the related posts (single posts, pages and RSS feed). Try it out and let us know in the comments how it goes.

Update your WordPress installs

Here at KEEN we love anything WordPress and though we’d spread the message about a vulnerability that has been discovered. There has been a worm going around infecting self hosted WordPress blogs. If you have not yet updated your installations of WordPress to version 2.8.4 and for WordPress MU to 2.8.4a, make sure you do it today.

According to this article on Mashable the worm creates a hidden administrator account and it messes up the permalinks of your site. If you suspect that your blog is infected, export your posts from your blog and then do a clean fresh install. After you are done import your posts to the new install. You have to do this because the worm finds its way deep into the database.

UPGRADE your WordPress blog today!

New KEEN Website Design

Well its been long overdue but i finally got some time to work on my site. I dropped the ‘eye’ from keeneye. For some reason (which I still don’t get) its a hard name to read. But KEEN is still a good name so I aint complaining. The first like 3 prototypes I had done were all Joomla but when I got a chance to look into WordPress, they were all rendered obsolete papo hapo. WordPress is the so much better than Joomla but let me leave that for another day.

I opted for a simple design for the homepage and tried to squeeze a bit of everything on the homepage. The idea was to have as much info on the homepage as I could because statistics show that a good chunk of visitors leave a site after checking out the home page. So the more visitors can get on the home page the better. I think I may have missed out on previous site whose home page was pretty much just like a blonde. Pretty with no content :) Continue reading

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